The Sun Sign Effect as a chornobiological effect: 1. Theoretical considerations

Author: Mitchell, Dr. Michael J.
Abstract: The putative Sun sign effect of astrological theory is re-examined in the light of present day knowledge of biology. It is hypothesised that the innate-but-non inheritable personality traits associated with the 12 sun signs are nonheterozygotic polymorphisms produced by polygenic switch mechanisms and that the seasonal entrainment of those mechanisms is the means by which the phases are stablised at their optimum ratios. The chief advantage of nonherterozygotic polymorhpism (herein called ” autogenic polymorphism”) is considered to be its ability to generate phenotypic diversity of a kind that is not subject to two critical constraints of evolutionary genetics: (1) An autogenic trait that enhances the survival fitness of the species at the cost of diminishing the adaptability or the reproductive success of affected individuals can be stabilised even if it is not balanced by any concomitant advantageous traits. (2) A tautogenic trait that enhances the survival fitness of the species by enhancing the adaptability or the reproductive success of affected individuals is not subject to hypermorphosis, even if it is not balanced by any concomitant disadvantageous traits. A hypoperiodicity, involving a seasonally entrained alternant functioning of the left and right ovaries, which are known to exhibit elements of bilateral asymmetry. A major advantage of the ovarian-alternation hypothesis is that it explains the chronobiological significance of the sun sign, or solar month, as the fundamental unit of the astrological calendar. A chronobiological periodicity is also proposed for dominance-sub dominance in man, whereby the Fire and the Earth signs are associated with dominance and the Air and the Water signs are associated with sub dominance. A simple test is described for the extraversion-introversion and the dominance-sub dominance periodicities.
Keywords: extraversion, introversion, genetics, seasonality, personality, chronobiology, sun sign, ovaries
Publication: Correlation: Astrological Association Journal of Research In Astrology
Issue: Volume 3 Issue 2
Dated: 1983
Pages: Pages 3 – 12

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