Planetary Influences on Metal Ion Activity

Author: Kollerstrom, Dr. Nicholas
Abstract: An experimental approach to the age-old belief that specific metals are linked to corresponding planets is described. The former was developed in the 1920s by Frau Kolisko, following suggestions from Dr. Rudolf Steiner that planetary forces ought to be detectable in metal salt solutions precipitated on filter paper. The main reaction investigated – the slow reaction of ferrous sulphate with silver mitratet solution, precipitating colloidal silver – is described. Kolisko’s method was modified by Fyfe, and several, including this author, have confirmed the effects observable over planetary conjunctions
Keywords: metal ion activity and metal-planet affinity, metals, planets, Kolisko, chromatograms
Publication: Correlation: Astrological Association Journal of Research In Astrology
Issue: Volume 3 Issue 1
Dated: 1983
Pages: Pages 38 – 50

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