Author: Startup, Michael
Abstract: Previous attempts to quantify the agreement between astrologers’ keywords for the planets and the Gauquelins’ independently derived lists of planetary traits have been marred by the use of less than ideal data. A fresh analysis, with new data and a different method, is presented here. The results show quite high, non-random agreement, especially for Mars, Saturn and Moon though arguments are also presented for regarding the measurements as only rough estimates. Improvement in astrologers’ accuracy over time was anticipated but the evidence supporting it was slight.
Keywords: planetary traits, moon mars jupiter saturn astrologers keywords personality description
Publication: Correlation: Astrological Association research journal in astrology
Issue: Volume 2 Issue 2
Dated: December 1982
Pages: pages 21 – 28
Astrologers’ keywords for the planets: a new quantification of their accuracy
Posted in Free Research Abstract