Author: D. Illingworth and G. Syme
Abstract: Pelligrini (J. Psychology, 1973, 85, 21-28) found a strong relationship between femininity as indicated by the California Personality Inventory (CPI), and birth under ‘feminine’ signs July 24th through January 20th. This Australian replication reasoned that the effect would be reversed in the Southern Hemisphere. 126 students gave their birth date and completed the CPI. Students born at a cusp, or who had immigrated from Northern Hemisphere were excluded. No statistically significant effects were found, except that males generally scored significantly lower on ‘feminine’ dimensions, regardless of period of birth. The conclusion is that Pelligrini’s findings cannot be replicated in this study.
Keywords: Femininity, Personality Inventory, Southern Hemisphere, Birth Signs, Southern Hemisphere
Publication: Journal of Social Psychology
Issue: 103
Dated: 1977
Pages: 153-154
Birthdate and feminity
Posted in Free Research Abstract