Author: Gauquelin, Michel and Tracz, Suzan
Abstract: A critical examination and replication of an experiment by Ertel on Gauquelin’s character trait hypothesis (CTH) is reported. Ertel and co-workers re-analysed the same US birth data used by Gauquelin in a previous report of positive results to test for bias by Michel Gauquelin in extracting the traits from biographies. Ertel reported negative results, concluding that CTH positive findings were due only to Gauquelin bias. The present study closely followed Ertel’s procedure, using the same material once again, but the extractions were made by two students at the University of California at Fresno under the authors’ supervision. The results confirm Gauquelin’s former positive results, contradicting Ertel’s conclusions, and suggest a Gauquelin bias insufficient to affect the main results significantly in favour of CTH. Possible reasons for the differences between the results of the present study and Ertel’s are discussed.
Keywords: character trait hypothesis (CTH), Gauquelin, Ertel, key sectors, eminence, professionals
Publication: Correlation: Astrological Association Journal of Research into Astrology
Issue: Volume 10 Issue 2
Dated: December 1990
Pages: Pages 20 – 33
Gauquelin’s character trait hypothesis: the fresno experiment
Posted in Free Research Abstract