Author: Dean, Geoffrey
Abstract: Opposite extremes of the E and N dimensions of the EPI differ in personality as basically as it is possible to differ. To test the hypothesis that such extremes should differ in their planetary positioins at birth, subjects with the most extreme scores on the EPI (108 for each of E+, E-, N+, N-) were selected from a sample of 1145 subjects mostly from the southern hemisphere. The frequencies of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon and Venus in the Gauquelin “plus zones” was determined for E+ vs E- and N+ vs N-. Half of the results were in the expected direction but no result wwas significant either individually or in combination.
Keywords: Gauquelin, diurnal distribtuion, personality, southern hemisphere, EPI
Publication: Correlation: Astrological Association research journal in astrology
Issue: Volume 1 Issue 2
Dated: December 1981
Pages: Pages 15 – 18
Planets and personality extremes
Posted in Free Research Abstract