Replication of a Saturn effect with firstborns

Author: Graham Douglas
Abstract: I have recently added to the small collection of data I reported in my earlier publication (Douglas 2001), with 159 firstborns of Rodden Rating A or better, from the Astrodatabank collection, and although the numbers are still small they are sufficient to demonstrate a replication of the Gauquelin Effect for Saturn. The salient features of this finding are that:
1. whereas there are significant excesses of SA in key sectors for firstborns, there is none at all for the laterborns in the same sample, and
2. these samples are made up of a heterogeneous group of minor and major celebrities, royalty, politicians and a very small number of eminent scientists. Thus as a whole, they are not expected to display a SA effect based on known eminence correlations. They show a small excess of JU in key sectors, (see below) and no excess of SA. This is consistent with the presence of a large number of celebrities in the sample.
Keywords: first borns, Roden, royalty, politicians, scientists, effect, eminence
Publication: Correlation Journal of Reseraach in Astrology
Issue: Volume 23 Number 1
Dated: 2005
Pages: 64 – 66

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