Author: Dr. Padam Simkhada1
Mr. Dhruba Simkhada2
Dr. Padam Simkhada and Mr. Dhruba Simkhada
Abstract: There are no solid data on the magnitude, determinants and processes of trafficking in Nepal, and the needs of those trafficked who return. The contributing causes and structure of sex trafficking in Nepal are largely unknown, and most figures are at best educated guesses. Very limited information is available about the family environment, economic and social situations of the sex workers. Many astrologers in Nepal believed that significant numbers of parents will have surrendered their daughter into prostitution on the basis of astrological indicators, but there is no empirical evidence to support this. Thus, by using both quantitative and qualitative methods, the present study explored the socio-cultural and astrological aspects of sex trafficking and examined whether the trafficked girls have any unique clusters of astrological profiles. No link with astrological profiles was found and the patterns observed being completely random.
Keywords: Nepal, prostitution, socio-cultural, astrological aspects, profiles
Publication: Correlation Journal of Research into Astrology
Issue: Vol.22 No. 1
Dated: 2004
Pages: 52 – 62
Socio-cultural and astrological prospective on the problems of sex trafficking of girls in Nepal
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