Author: Klein, Mavis
Abstract: Each of 122 subjects, married or in an intimate living-together relationship, ranked five descriptions, based on planetary inter-aspects only, of partners, one of which was his/her own, from “most” to “least true” of his/her actual experience. Half the sample were sent control descriptions of relationships randomly selected from the whole sample of relationships; the other half were sent control descriptions of contrived relationships between the subject and four hypothetical partners to him or her, all of whom shared the Sun-sign of the subject’s actual partner. Subjects chose the correct astrological description of their experience of their partner among the five possible positions at significantly better than chance (p<.5). Discrimination of actual partners was clearly found to be easier from random controls than from among same Sun-sign controls, though this was not statistically evaluated.
Keywords: synastry, sun sign, partners
Publication: Correlation: Astrological Association Journal of Research Into Astrology
Issue: Volume 8 Issue 2
Dated: 1988
Pages: pages 5 – 17
The Accuracy of Relationship Description as a Test of Astrology
Posted in Free Research Abstract